helping you through the house-selling process

Selling real estate can be just as much work as buying. There are so many things to worry about as you prepare your home to list on the market. Then you have to worry about the real estate agent you will hire to help you get the house sold. After that, you have to worry about who will be coming in to tour your home throughout the week. Will you hold an open house? Do you take the first reasonable offer you are presented with? Our blog was designed to assist you through the selling process a little bit easier.

Figure Out The Home Security Situation Of Homes For Sale With A Thorough Inspection


Buying a home can be a scary prospect if you are not familiar with the area that you are interested in moving to. While you can certainly visit the neighborhood at different times of the day and even talk to the neighbors about the area, it is still a good idea to look for signs of security in the area. A thorough inspection with the following tips can make a big difference in the peace of mind you have with a home you are interested in buying. 

Check Out the Neighboring Homes for Home Security Signs

If you find that there are a lot of properties with home security signs, this could be a sign that property crime is common enough where people have had to resort to measures of getting a home security system. While there is always the possibility that these signs are merely preventive measures, it is still a good thing to take note of.

Inspect the Windows of the Surrounding Blocks

If you see residential or commercial properties with bars on the windows, you could take this as another sign that property crime may be an issue. While this does not necessarily mean that the home you are interested in would be in danger, you should just keep this in mind when looking at homes for sale, mainly because these bars are only put up for a reason, and that reason is generally crime related.

Look Around the Property for Fencing

Although fences are certainly nice and can provide a great deal of security and privacy, they also have the chance of decreasing security in certain situations. For instance, if all of your neighbors do not have fences, it is hard for someone to break into one of the homes because it is likely for a neighbor to see. However, with a privacy fence, someone only has to get over the fence and then they can try to break into the home.

Find the Nearest Police Station

Criminals are less likely to commit crimes near a police station, so you can expect homes and businesses that are near one to receive less crime. For this reason, you should look around the area to find the nearest police station and determine whether it will help to reduce crime.

Keep an Eye Out for Neighborhood Watch Signs

Neighborhood watch is a way for citizens to protect the neighborhood, and knowing that your neighbors are willing to look out for each other, including yourself if you were to buy property in the neighborhood.  If you see any signs notifying of a neighborhood watch, it means that you can feel more confident in the security of your potential home.

Taking some time to explore all the signs of a safe neighborhood  when looking at homes for sale can help motivate you to go forward with a home or look elsewhere. 


9 February 2016