Own a Dog? Criteria for You to Keep in Mind While House Hunting


It's common to think about the needs of each family member when you're browsing real estate listings as you shop for a house. For example, if you have two children, you may want a three-bedroom home so that each child can have his or her own room. Don't forget to also consider the needs of your family dog when you're house hunting. Although your pet's needs might not supersede those of your family, it's important to consider a variety of dog-related details.

12 December 2017

Retiring Soon And Ready For A Change? Three Excellent Reasons Why Retirees Should Consider Buying A Gated Community Home


Selling the empty nest is something that many people begin to think about when the time for retirement looms closer. While the family home is sure to be filled with good memories and thoughts of selling it can be painful, it may no longer be comfortable to live in or economical to manage, once the children are grown and gone. Not only is it likely to become expensive to heat and cool, especially on a reduced retirement income, it may also become much more expensive to maintain as it ages.

15 November 2017

Should You Move To The Beach?


Leaving the city for the beach is a culmination of a lot of negative influences of city life: Pollution (noise, air and even water), insecurity, traffic, and congestion, to mention just a few. It is touted as an escape where you wake up to the expanse of water lapping on the beach and seagulls on a daily basis. But could the novelty be just a tad exaggerated? For some people, the noise from the seagulls and from the neighbor's boombox is one and the same thing: noise.

2 November 2017

3 Tips to Know Before Loaning Your Kids Money for a Home Purchase Down Payment


One of the best ways of helping your child to buy a home is to loan them money for the down payment.  This is much better than giving them the money because it teaches them financial responsibility. Here are a few things you should know before going ahead with the loan:          The Lender May Require Your Name on the Contract If you want to help your child buy a house, it may be helpful to have both of your names on the title.

16 October 2017

Trying To Sell Your Home? 3 Mistakes You Should Avoid


If you're trying to sell your home, and you want to make it as painless as possible, you need to hire a real estate agent. It is possible to sell your home by yourself, but you'll be taking on more responsibility, and more headaches than you need to. Instead, minimize the work you need to put into it, and hire a real estate agent to handle the sell of your home.

7 September 2017

Decide If A Home Is Right For You By Answering These Two Simple Questions


A home is a major investment, so it's understandable that you'd want to ensure you're making the right choice when you finally put in an offer. Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself to help you determine if the home you're looking at fits your lifestyle. Do You Plan on Having Kids? One thing that can have a big impact on a home's appropriateness for you is whether you plan on having children in the number of years you plan on staying in the home.

18 August 2017

Three Reasons Why Your Home May Not Be Selling


When you place your home on the market, you usually hope that it sells quickly for your asking price or even more. So it can be frustrating when viewings are few and far between. If your home has been for sale for some time but it isn't getting much interest, you could be making one of the following mistakes. #1: Your pricing is off The most common mistake will be with your pricing.

10 August 2017

Three Benefits Of Living In A Luxury Condo Community


Some people see luxury condo communities as being over-hyped or overly expensive. But while it may cost you more to live in one of these communities than to live in a privately owned apartment or house in the city, you're not paying for nothing. Life in a luxury condo community has many benefits. Here's a look. You never have to do landscaping -- or worry that your yard will look messy.

19 July 2017

3 Benefits Of Working With A Real Estate Agent To Find The Ideal Home


Taking time to do your research before purchasing a house is important. This is likely to be one of the largest decisions you will make, and it's essential to be prepared. There are many things that you will want to do before putting an offer on any property and making sure it's one you will enjoy is important. The ideal way for you to find a home you'll love is by enlisting the assistance of a real estate agent to help you do so.

7 July 2017

Flipping Houses? 4 Ways Your Realtor Can Make Or Break Your Business


In 2015, flippers earned a return on investment of approximately 36 percent per house sold, proving that there is money to be made in real estate. However, for every success story, there are plenty of horror stories when it comes to flipping real estate. If you want to be successful, you must know what you're doing. You also have to have a great realtor on your side. The right realtor can help you boost your bottom line and prevent some of the scary scenarios that other flippers face.

30 May 2017